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Explore: Rootwurks (2)

7 Things to Know About What Schedule III Will Mean for Cannabis

7 Things to Know About What...

4 Min Read

In early May, cannabis professionals across the industry rejoiced at reports that the Drug Enforcement Administration...

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Report Highlights a Tough 2023 for the Top Cannabis Companies - Will Rescheduling Help?

Report Highlights a Tough 2023 for...

3 Min Read

Nineteen of the top 20 largest publicly traded cannabis companies in the U.S. lost a combined $2.3 billion in 2023 and...

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How Can Food Safety Save You Money?

How Can Food Safety Save You Money?

3 Min Read

As food business mottos go, “don’t kill anyone” is about as straightforward as it gets.

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What Food Companies Need to Know About Traceability

What Food Companies Need to Know...

3 Min Read

Traceability is just like it sounds - the ability to trace all ingredients in a food product through every step in the supply chain.

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5 Things to Remember About...

3 Min Read

The series of guidelines known as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points has for decades been one of the main food safety management systems that companies have used to ensure product safety. In a recent Rootwurks webinar, HACCP expert Kathy Knutson of Kathy Knutson Food Safety Consulting LLC...

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What Will Training Look Like...

3 Min Read

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has published its five-year strategic plan for the training of regulatory and laboratory professionals, which is focused on developing an integrated workforce to ensure human and animal food safety.

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From compliance to workplace safety and training and the best practices for retail and manufacturing operations, there is a world of knowledge in our free educational content. To see our guides, eBooks, webinars, reports, expert interviews, and video tutorials, check out the Rootwurks library of free resources.

Free Guide: In Cannabis Quality Control, Compliance Can Be Your Friend and Ally

Free Guide: In Cannabis...

2 Min Read

As legalization expands and cannabis becomes more mainstream, the consumer base is becoming more mature and sophisticated in its quality demands. This can be seen in a greater...

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Free Guide: How Can Dispensaries Stand Out From the Crowd? 

Free Guide: How Can...

2 Min Read

Few industries hold more promise than retail cannabis. 

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Free Guide: Why Budtender is Far From Just an Entry-Level Job

Free Guide: Why Budtender...

2 Min Read

With all due respect to the celebrities with cannabis brands, the cultivators with decades of experience, and the marijuana influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers,...

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Guide: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Cannabis Compliance in 2022

Guide: The Good, the Bad,...

2 Min Read

When people daydream about running a cannabis business, the images often follow a familiar script: perfectly cured buds in jars behind the counter, collaborations with local craft...

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