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Kamala Harris Unveils Plan to Legalize Cannabis Nationwide as Part of Outreach To Black Voters 

Kamala Harris Unveils Plan to...

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Vice President Kamala Harris this week called for federal marijuana legalization and vowed that, if elected President,...

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Could This Company Put Food Safety in the Palm of Your Hand?

Could This Company Put Food Safety...

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In September, the results of a new Gallup poll made it abundantly clear - consumers have lost faith in the safety of...

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California Ban on Intoxicating Hemp Products Goes Into Effect

California Ban on Intoxicating...

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A controversial emergency ban on hemp products containing THC took effect last Monday, bringing the state’s...

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5 Key Things to Know About Allergen Prevention in Food

5 Key Things to Know About...

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The headlines over the past year from the food industry are thick with reports of new recalls, including foodborne illness outbreaks that have taken the lives of consumers.

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Consumer Trust in Food Safety...

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As reports of foodborne illness outbreaks continue to make headlines across the country, consumer confidence in food safety has hit historic lows, according to a new Gallup poll.

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Governor Newsom Issues...

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In the latest major state government move against legal intoxicating hemp products, California Governor Gavin Newsom last week filed an emergency rule that would completely ban the sale of hemp products that contain THC, stating that the products pose a grave danger to the state’s children.

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From compliance to workplace safety and training and the best practices for retail and manufacturing operations, there is a world of knowledge in our free educational content. To see our guides, eBooks, webinars, reports, expert interviews, and video tutorials, check out the Rootwurks library of free resources.

Free Guide: In Cannabis Quality Control, Compliance Can Be Your Friend and Ally

Free Guide: In Cannabis...

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As legalization expands and cannabis becomes more mainstream, the consumer base is becoming more mature and sophisticated in its quality demands. This can be seen in a greater...

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Free Guide: How Can Dispensaries Stand Out From the Crowd? 

Free Guide: How Can...

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Few industries hold more promise than retail cannabis. 

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Free Guide: Why Budtender is Far From Just an Entry-Level Job

Free Guide: Why Budtender...

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With all due respect to the celebrities with cannabis brands, the cultivators with decades of experience, and the marijuana influencers with hundreds of thousands of followers,...

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Guide: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Cannabis Compliance in 2022

Guide: The Good, the Bad,...

2 Min Read

When people daydream about running a cannabis business, the images often follow a familiar script: perfectly cured buds in jars behind the counter, collaborations with local craft...

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